MTVComes to My House The house is an old Victorian, sitting on a tree-lined street for over one-hundred years. Although many people have lived in it, it feels like mine alone. In the spring, returning birds nest in the eaves of the porch and purple star flowers appear in the grass. Others say that many ghosts live with me, but I have not seen them. The child points to a picture of Bob Marley and says, "He was here, but is gone, now." It is incredible and I do not know if I even believe in spirits, but one incident returns to haunt me. In about 2007, I began having dreams about a young blond girl in danger. I described the dream to my son and he told me that he knew who I was talking about: a young homeless teen living in a motel. I told him to go to find her and bring her to safety. After bringing her to the house, a few weeks later, he brought a young man from MTV to talk with me. He said that he was doing a documentary on Alexis and other homeless teens. He and I talked for an hour about politics and history and then he left our lives. The next spring, the documentary aired on television.

I will post the link to the video story soon
Tsarnaev: Holes in Prosecution’s Case
These are the things that need to be fixed if the prosecution is to win the Boston bombing case:
Today, CNN asked defense attorneys to provide a strategy for defending Tsarnaev. Rather, than doing what they had been asked, the attorneys seemed to present the prosecution’s case. This author has found many flaws in the information presented by the prosecution. The most telling are the photographs by a so-called eyewitness to the shoot-out which have been presented as evidence on CNN and will most likely be used by the prosecution. These photographs may be found at: CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSING: Look at the second photo with the red circle around the alleged Tsarnaev wounded on the ground. If the photo is enlarged, you will see two men in the street as the car accelerates toward police. There is a man with a mustache standing under the photographer’s window looking up at him, nonchalantly. Why is he just standing there? No danger? The second man is wearing camouflage and is standing. No body appears on the ground. What is the significance of all of this? It appears staged with actors in the street and the photographs do not match the police audio of that night in which four suspects and four cars have been mentioned at the scene. In addition, the street appears deserted. Not one light is on in any of the houses on the block. No one appears to respond to a gunfight on their street. It looks like a movie set, even though it is not. The following rebuttal of evidence shall be given point by point:
1. No witnesses to alleged killing of police officer – No links
2. Suspect 2 picked up a Mercedes from auto repair. Whose? Black?
3. Police scanner says there were 4 suspects at the scene, one in ambulance, one on ground at gunpoint, one on foot on Laurel and one arrested later.
4. Scanner says 4 suspect vehicles at scene: Black Mercedes, black truck, a Corvette, and green Honda. Mentions a black Avenger and a gold car.
5. The names, Sunhil Tripathi and Mike Mulugeta were broadcast as far as Europe that night on news sources. A photo online of Sunhil has a navy blue jacket with a white logo. The photo published by CNN of a suspect on ground shows similar nylon jacket navy blue with a white logo. Both, Sunhil and Tamberlan are now dead. I am not stating that Sunhil was a suspect, but was he there? The clothing on the man on the ground does not have bullet holes or blood!
6. CNN published photo of a naked suspect arrested and aunt identified him as Tamerlan. Police scanner report states suspect on ground at same time. At this time, a suspect was already in ambulance.
7. Police scanner says all suspects have been captured at time ambulance goes to hospital (different scanner report from Boston audio) No longer seeking man on foot (Detective McNeil)
8. Who are all of these suspects and where is Jahar at this time?
9. Chinese man says his Mercedes was hijacked. He will not appear on television. Complaint says hijacking in Cambridge. Other reports say Boston (police)
10. Police reports show video of allegedly Jahar at ATM with a white hat/helmet (?) Police say they found his white hat in his room. Look at the photo which looks photo-shopped as his hat is way too big for his face!
11. Complaint states Suspect 2 had a gun in boat and engaged officers in fire. Federal officers say no weapon was found.
12. Boston police were told to stay away from Laurel and stay at perimeter during alleged shoot-out Dexter and Laurel and Spruce. Scanner says the Mercedes is still at Laurel and Spruce while suspect on foot.
At the Marathon:
1. Evidence is the photos of two suspects with backpacks, but others in crowd have same black backpack, same khaki pants and black jacket. Same white square on the bombed backpack, but Suspects1 and 2 do not have the white square.
2. They were near the place of bombs, but so were many others.
3. They did not cower or run, but photos show a man just looking around and not moving and a man trying to engage two women in talk, right near Jahar.
4. He left his pack at scene. Articles say many left belongings in street and area. Also, photos show two packs allegedly belonging to the suspects at the shoot-out scene. Did they buy new backpacks?
5. Photos at show men with remote control devices at scene (not Tsarnaev brothers)
6. There is a photo of man on roof above bomb site 2. Who is he?
7. Only real possible evidence is word of hijacked victim, unless police have more than they show. Where is hijacked victim? Is it coincidental that Jahar picked up another Mercedes the day before the bombings? Why two Mercedes in this case?
Although Americans would like to believe law enforcement, there should be independent evidence other than the word of police officers. This is true, especially since scanner reports and other evidence have disproved police theories and even aspects of the complaint. Links to all of this evidence can be provided before everything is cleaned from the Internet! Many former links have been removed. I have scanner reports both audio and transcripts.
My intent is not to assist the suspect, but to ensure that our law enforcement officers are giving truthful information so that justice can occur. Everyone has the right to a fair trial! This case may change our criminal justice system.
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Manifest Destiny Revisited?
In Southern Mexico, ancient pyramids rise from the mists of a canopy of rainforests. This is the land of the Maya and today’s indigenous tribes; the home of the Zapatistas and the rebels of Chiapas. The Mexican Constitution provides for the people through land reform and the repatriation of the land to the people who have always inhabited it, but oil and gas in abundance exist beneath the soil and as always, corporations seek to exploit the land and the wealth of the people. This time, (unlike the manifest destiny of the American Indians) the movement to attain the resources is a covert process that uses the well-being of the people and the protection of the resources as the goal in developing policy. It was with this knowledge, that I began to research the plans of outsiders who are claiming an interest in the region.
The area, now named, the Meso-American Biological Corridor, including parts of other Central American countries, has 12% of the world’s biodiversity within 2% of the world’s land mass. At first glance, these statistics would seem to call out for environmental protection, but when one looks at the organizations with interest in the area, another picture emerges. One such organization, the Nature Conservancy, has created a board of donors and stakeholders. Most are US corporations seeking to exploit the travel, agriculture and energy resources of the area. Corporations as diverse as, Shell Oil, Dow Chemical, Caterpillar, Coca Cola and Pepsi would obtain benefit within the area and the director of the committee is a former CEO of Goldman Sachs, a banking giant. The list includes investment bankers and infrastructure builders; unlikely candidates for environmental protection. Within this context, I began to research the plans of subsidiaries of the World Bank and their interests in the region. The first plan to confiscate the resources of the region existed in the Puebla-Panama Plan which called for new infrastructure to link all areas from Panama to Mexico, to create biodiversity preserves (which would exclude the indigenous people from these areas) would prohibit fishing and farming in certain areas, while allowing larger agriculture production by outsiders, would place restrictions upon forest harvesting and plant gathering, and would allow exploration of new energy sources within the region. “Urban pods” would replace communal living within the designated areas.
When the people living within the region realized what the Pueblo-Panama Plan would do to the region, they protested and the Mexican Government cancelled its support for the plan. However, if one reads the web site of the International Development Bank, the web pages of the Nature Conservancy, and commissioned studies by individual entities, one sees that the plans are going forward under the guise of environmentalism. A 2011 paper by the Director of the Corporate Benchmarking Service, a Washington DC research organization for responsible investment, reports, “Originally a conservation initiative, the Meso-American Biological Corridor is now an institutional framework for sustainable development. Its stated goal is preserving natural and cultural heritage and offering a better life for its citizens…” (by) “Creating incentives for people to emigrate from lands designated for conservation, remediation, or preservation.” The author, Craig Metrick continues the discussion by stating that the World Bank, the United Nations, NGO’s and foundations have donated $60-100 million dollars to the project. Conflicting statements arise as to the positive input of indigenous people, compared to his statement that there is an “absence of a regional coordination structure which inhibits information sharing and the merging of goals and policies.” (with a note stating that the plan has not been explained adequately to the people in the region) He ends with a statement that the United States was the first to sign a 1994 Alliance for Sustainable Development in the Americas, which focused on the region.
The Pueblo-Panama Plan morphed into the Meso-American Biological Corridor Initiative with the idea that the people would welcome environmental protection without knowledge of the overt economic ideals for the region. The absence of coordination mentioned by Metrick, is the result of the inability to overtly state the plan in a way that will not cause an uproar among citizens. Objectives and goals cannot be given for ideas that the people find abhorrent. The plan in itself, violates the sovereignty promised in the Mexican Constitution, and is therefore illegal. This illegality has not stopped the project from moving forward in increments. The highway infrastructure transversing the entire area began many years ago with the intent that roads would lead to investment within the area. The web site of the Inter-American Development Bank reveals many studies of the area and recommendations of research participants which would close the forests, fishing areas and agricultural rights of indigenous people. Factories would replace the work of communal living. Crop diversity of specified species would replace traditional agriculture production. Tourism with large beach hotels would encourage the sales of local cultural crafts. All of this, in the name of cultural and environmental protection and the well-being of the people. It has been said that the land is not productive in the modern sensibility and that the people are not using it in its best use. Where have we heard this before? Manifest Destiny revisited.
Metrick, Craig ( 2011) Mesoamerican Biological Corridor: Linking International, National, and Local Sustainability Resource Management Initiatives.,d.aWc accessed 3/25/13,10365.html
accessed 3/25/13